Renderer Plugins

Renderers responsible for combining data with templates and producing text output.

Jinja2 Renderer Plugin



data keys or table headers must be valid Python variable names for Jinja2 engine to work correctly, e.g. a variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character.

This renderer uses Jinja2 templates to render data and produce text results.

For example, if this is a data to render expressed in YAML format:

- interface: Gi1/1
  description: Customer A
  dot1q: 100
  vrf: cust_a
  template: ttr://interfaces.cisco_ios
  device: rt-1
- interface: Gi1/2
  description: Customer B
  dot1q: 200
  vrf: cust_b
  template: ttr://interfaces.cisco_ios
  device: rt-2

template_name_key corresponds to template key in above data, result_name_key corresponds to device key in above data.

And this is the content of ttr://interfaces.cisco_ios template:

interface {{ interface }}
 description {{ description }}
 encapsulation dot1q {{ vid }}
 vrf forwarding  {{ vrf }}
 ip address {{ ip }} {{ mask }}
 ipv6 address {{ ipv6 }}/{{ maskv6 }}

This renderer will combine each item in above data with ttr://interfaces.cisco_ios template and return results for further processing.

ttr.plugins.renderers.jinja2_renderer.render(data, template_name_key, templates, templates_dict, result_name_key, **renderer_kwargs)

Render function takes data, templates and produces text output.

  • data – (list), list of dictionaries render

  • templates_dict – (dict), dictionary keyed by template name with template content as a value

  • template_name_key – (str), name of template key to use for data rendering, default - template

  • result_name_key – (str), name of result key to use to combine rendering results, default - device

  • renderer_kwargs – (dict), kwargs to pass on to jinja2.Template(.., **kwargs) object instantiation

By default renderer_kwargs will include:

{"trim_blocks": True, "lstrip_blocks": True}